What’s driving wastewater plant upgrades

At some point, it’s going to be time to upgrade your wastewater treatment plant. It might not be today, but it’s going to happen at some point. Understanding what drives those changes and the signs you should be looking for are important – and will help you stay out front so that you’ll be prepared […]

Lift Stations and Remote Monitoring: The benefits

Lift stations are an integral part of the water purifying process. They clean out waste water and prepare it for treatment. Without them, it becomes almost impossible to recycle water.   As important as they are, they are also components of the wastewater treatment cycle that often go unmonitored or unsupervised until they have to […]

Why you should upgrade your wastewater system

Many industrial manufacturers looks at wastewater management as a sunk cost. This is a big mistake. Yes, they’re spending a lot of money in order to meet discharge limits but they also make the mistake of thinking that upgrading their systems would cost too much. This is also wrong. Whether it’s because they’re worried about […]

Pump Controller – State of the Art

Written by JD Cattel, the President of Digital Control Company. Pump controllers come in two main forms. The first consists of the various “off the shelf” proprietary controllers with imbedded software. The second form consists of various off the shelf (and equally proprietary) programmable logic controllers (PLC’s). Despite the fact that PLC’s have progressed over […]

The Pump Control Box

Written by JD Cattel, the President of Digital Control Company. The term “pump control box” is one of the many euphemisms used to describe the device or devices which control the level in a municipal lift station or the downstream pressure in a liquid pumping system.  This term, pump control box, has gained some popularity […]

Municipal Lift Station Level Monitoring

Written by JD Cattel, the President of Digital Control Company. There are many methods to measure the level in a municipal lift station. Some of these devices are bubblers, submersible transducers, ultrasonics, radar, floats, capacitive tapes, and so on. All of the technologies have been used with varying degrees of success. Digital Control Company has […]

A Level Playing Field

Written by JD Cattel, the President of Digital Control Company. Tom Friedman wrote a book called The World is Flat. It may be, but it is not level. Or in engineering china_mapparlance, it is not tangent to the radius of the sphere. Currently, the Chinese (as well as many other nations) enjoy a labor cost […]

A Level Playing Field

Written by JD Cattel, the President of Digital Control Company. Tom Friedman wrote a book called The World is Flat. It may be, but it is not level. Or in engineering china_mapparlance, it is not tangent to the radius of the sphere. Currently, the Chinese (as well as many other nations) enjoy a labor cost […]